Monday, October 13, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

I've been tagged by friend and fellow writing buddy Winter Peck! So now I have to tell you five things you didn't know about me, which might be difficult considering the post I did a few weeks ago, but I'll try.

1. I met my husband when we were home missionaries traveling with Encounter Revival Ministries. I'll try to include the link here:

2. I'm afraid of squirrels.

3. I collect teacups.

4. My great-grandfather was given away as a baby and later took on that family's name even though he was never legally adopted, so my maiden name, Penica, should really have been Salinger. Oh, I'm glad great-grandpa switched last names, even if Penica is kind of weird, Sarah Salinger has too much alliteration for me.

5. I love anything with potatoes in it. My sister teases me that all of my favorite recipes start off "take six large potatoes..." I also can't seem to cook in small quantities. When I cook, my husband and I are usually eating the leftovers for days.

So, care to tell me five things about yourself? I'll settle for one or two if that's easier.

Happy Monday!


Winter Peck said...

LOL! Potatoes are a household staple around here. Can't have a pork/beef roast w/out the tators.

BTW, you're in a pic on Christina Berry's blog.

Go down to her ACFW conference book signing post and you'll find yourself there.

We need a phone chat again. <};^D

Sarah said...

Oh, that's the picture I was telling you about at the book signing! I didn't realize that was Christina.

Can't wait to hear how your edits are coming. I've got chapter 1 pretty well revised, hoping to finish chapter 2 today. Then I have major revisions in some of the other chapters and the second half of the book to write.

Yikes. I think I have a headache. :) Hope it's going well for you.

Sarah said...

Oh, and I thought I should offer some a little pronunciation assistance. Penica is pronounced penn-ick-uh. And Romine is pronounced row-mine. As in you row your boat, and I'll row mine. My husband always offers this little ditty to help people not put a funny accent on our last name. We have a friend who calls him Al because of it.