Friday, October 17, 2008

The Decline of Domesticity

Sounds very serious.

I'm really not attempting anything profound, just momentarily bummed out. At myself.

Tonight was our church's annual barn party. Last year I made homemade sugar cookies that looked like candy corn.

This year I brought Oreos.

I'm blaming this Domestic Tragedy on the fact that I work full-time and have a very high-stress job. But really, this sad moment just confirms my long-held theory that a woman can do anything but not everything. At least not well.

I think maintaining a successful juggling act means choosing what to put your time into. And right now baking isn't as important as getting a good night's sleep, spending time with my husband, being focused at my job, and working on my book.

So, I tried to smother a sigh as I placed my sad little packaged cookies next to all the gooey goodness produced by so many gray-haired grandmas. Instead, I determined to enjoy the Christian fellowship. Because that helps me be a more supportive wife, inspired writer, and over-all contented person.

Do you ever find yourself making such choices? How do you maintain your life's juggling act?


joan426 said...

Don't sweat the small stuff. After all don't you know Oreos are cookie perfection!? I have to go put a red mark by your name with a note,"did not bring homemade baked goods to church function". ;-)

Winter Peck said...


Well, as you know, I'm the mom of four (three of them boys), wife of a military man who's back in school to be a teacher, a writer frantically trying to finish revisions/edits on her book, and I take homemade stuff to all my church potlucks.

Okay, you can just slap me.

But like Joan said, Oreos are cookie perfection. Perfectly gone before you go home and you don't have to take anything back with you.


Sarah said...

Joan, you're funny.

Winter, you know you're a brat. :)

I'm glad to hear everyone likes Oreos, because they might end up being my signature contribution to potlucks for a while. You know, like somebody's known for her fudge, and somebody else for their chocolate chip cookies... Everybody will be like, "oh, I see Sarah brought Oreos again!"

Tracy said...

How fun are you??? I love the way you write! I have a blog as well but it's not written nearly as well. It's all "mommy" stuff that everyone's seen before!

Christina Tarabochia said...

They look delecious! I took a Shari's pie to our churhc's Hoedown this year, so I'm not casting stones. :-)