Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Getting To Know Me

Welcome to the brand new blog of aspiring Christian fiction writer, Sarah Romine.

To introduce myself, I'll start with a questionnaire I saw on a few other writers' blogs, which will hopefully give a good idea of just who I am.

1. What is your occupation? While I wish I could say author, for now I do financial audits and reviews for Pennsylvania's college state grant program.

2. What color are your socks right now? It's still fairly warm out, so I've been wearing the cool new ballet flats my sister got me into wearing, which apparently would be uncool if worn with socks. And just at present I'm sitting cross-legged on my couch, feet completely unshod, and typing on my computer. So, no socks.

3. What are you listening to right now? My clicking keyboard and my husband's scrawling pen. There are a few advantages to not having children...

4. What was the last thing you ate? Cheesecurls.

5. Can you drive a stick-shift? No, which is a thorn in the heart of my husband, who is a manual transmission snob.

6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Blue, because it is the color to which the least amount of people have a negative response. What can I say, I like to be liked.

7. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? My father-in-law who called to wish me a belated happy birthday (it was yesterday).

8. Favorite drink? That would be a toss up between my fetal addiction to Pepsi, and my new love of iced chai lattes.

9. Favorite sport to watch on tv? Ice skating.

10. Have you ever died your hair? Tried to die it red in high school because of my love of all things Anne-of-Green-Gables, but since I was too chicken to use permanent color it didn't really show. Right now it has some blonde highlights.

11. Favorite food? Mashed potatoes.

12. Last movie you watched? You've got mail. "Don't cry shopgirl, don't cry." Snif snif.

13. Favorite day of the year? Christmas eve.

14. What do you do to vent anger? I'm the perfect Proverbs 31 woman. I never get angry.

15. What was your favorite toy as a child? Anyone of the myriad of dolls I possessed. I think the one that crawled was probably the coolest.

16. What is your favorite season? Fall.

17. Hugs or kisses? From whom?

18. What are you reading? I just finished The Oak Leaves by Maureen Lang. Definitely recommend it.

19. What is on the floor of your closet? Shoes.

20. Cherry or blueberry?

21. Favorite smell? Dryer sheets.

22. How many years at your current job? Four.

23. Favorite day of the week? Friday.

24. Do you think you're funny? Only when I'm tired. Interpret that as you will.

25. Dream vacation? Europe! To visit all my favorite authors' homes and every museum and historical site I can find. Poor hubby.

Now that you know me, how about picking a question or two and telling a little about yourself? Or simply introduce yourself to me and the rest of my eager readership.



Micah Romine said...

What color are your socks right now? Brown, because you make sure my clothes match. Which I appreciate.

And YES, you should WANT to learn how to drive stick shift. EVERYONE should. (but since you don't want to, you don't deserve to)

I know the real answer to #14, but I'm not sharing.

I like hugs AND kisses, but only from the owner of this blog.

What am I reading? Implementing, Managing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure, 2nd Edition, of course! Who isn't?

Love you!

Micah Romine said...

Picture update!

Sarah said...

Actually dear, your socks are beige. I know color names outside of Crayola's basic eight confuse you, but the beige socks match your khaki pants. But yes, beige is in the brown "family" so you were close. :)

Winter Peck said...


So, I tried to find you the other day and you didn't come up. Guess you came up later, after I quit looking. <};^)

Hi, Micah!

What was the last thing I ate? A piece of homemade whole wheat bread slathered with Smart Choice butter.

What color would I be? Red, cause I like to stand out. As we found at the conference with my wonderfully stealable name.

So glad you jumped into the blog world and I'm working on those thank yous, just being lazy as I'm busy revising my book!